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How to Ask for a Letter of Recommendation (Over Email); By: Courtney Crites

Oct 21, 2024 07:42 PM

When you apply for admission to a university or college, a job, or a scholarship, you may be asked to include letter(s) of recommendation. These letters, usually written by teachers, mentors, or managers, are meant to vouch for your qualifications and character. This means its always a good idea to keep a running list of go-tos you can reach out to when you need. 

A strong recommendation allows the person reviewing your application to get to know you beyond your resume, painting a more complete picture of who you are and how you’re motivated. 

I know the process of asking for a letter of recommendation (especially over email) can seem daunting. In this blog post, I’ll walk you through some steps so you can feel better about asking for one. 

How to request a letter of recommendation

First of all, It’s totally normal to feel nervous about asking for a letter of recommendation. While it may feel uncomfortable at first, it’s a normal part of many application processes. 

Step 1: Identify the right recommender 

When selecting someone to write your recommendation letter, it’s important to choose someone who knows you well and can speak to your strengths, skills and personal qualities. These are often people like professors, mentors, supervisors, or colleagues who have worked closely with you and can provide detailed insights on you as a person and how you work. 

Note: Make sure the person you choose has a positive opinion of your abilities and can write a strong recommendation on your behalf. The last thing you’d want is to ask someone who hasn’t had a positive experience with you or doesn’t know you well enough to speak to your abilities. 

Step 2: Preparing your request

Before sending your email, gather the necessary information to help your recommender craft a comprehensive letter. This includes providing them with an updated resume, a list of specific achievements, and details regarding the institution or job you’re applying for. The more information you can provide, the better - this will make it easier for your recommender to create a tailored letter highlighting your qualifications. 

Step 3: Writing a Polite and Formal Email Request 

Obviously, asking the recommender in person first is always a good idea. But, I understand that this isn’t always an option if you’ve moved away for school or work and don’t have immediate access to this person. 

When composing your email, its important to be professional, polite and respectful. Use a salutation that matches your relationship with the recommender (i.e. Professor Smith, Mr. Jones), and clearly state the purpose for your email in the first paragraph, and ideally in the subject line. Explain why you are asking for their recommendation and why you believe they would be a suitable person to give you one. It may help to also add some of your goals and how their support would contribute to your success. 

Note: Provide a clear deadline and any necessary instructions or forms for submission. It’s important to make this as easy as possible for them. After all, they will be doing you a favour.

[Sample Email Request] 

Hi Professor Smith,

I hope you’re doing well. I am writing to request your assistance in providing a letter of recommendation for my application to XYZ University's graduate program in X. Having taken your X course last semester, I admired your teaching style and enthusiasm for the subject matter. Your expertise and insights have had an impact on my passion for the field and shaped my career aspirations. 

Your letter would provide a strong endorsement of my academic abilities and potential success in the program. I have attached an updated copy of my resume, which highlights some of my key projects and academic achievements. I would be happy to provide you with any further information you may need to write a personalized letter.

The application deadline for the program is April 30, and if possible, I would greatly appreciate it if the letter could be submitted by April 15. 

Thank you so much for considering my request. I would be extremely grateful for your support in this endeavor, and I truly value your opinion. Please let me know if you have any questions or require any further information.

Kind regards,

[Your Name]

Step 4: Following Up and Expressing Gratitude

After sending your request, it’s important to follow up to make sure that your recommender has received your email and to express your thanks. If you haven't received a response within a week, send a friendly reminder. Once the letter has been submitted, send a sincere thank-you email or notel to express your appreciation for their effort and time.

Final Thoughts 

Asking for a letter of recommendation over email may seem intimidating, but with proper preparation and a polite and professional request, you can increase your chances of receiving a strong and impactful recommendation. Remember to choose recommenders who can speak to your strengths, provide them with the necessary information, and express your gratitude for their support throughout the process.