My name is Brenda Nguyen, and I'm a recent (honours) graduate from Humber College’s Graphic Design program! Since graduating, I've been working, 'in print', as a Junior Prepress Technician and, 'in digital', as an OCC Student Journalist. I also run a small business (NGYN Designs) and volunteer in content creation with AZN Zine (creating social media posts and layouts for their digital and print magazine), and with my local church.
In short? I do a little bit of a lot of things...and I'm learning how to manage all these 'things' as I go.
I am super excited to join the OCC content team as a student journalist and to grow my experiences and knowledge about digital content creation. I will be sharing my tips and tricks on graduating, job-seeking, and working throughout a pandemic because these are subjects I always navigated, and am still navigating, and wish someone had shared with me. Hopefully, by imparting what I’ve learned (and what I’m continuing to learn), I can help ease some of the anxiety of graduating and job-seeking in a highly competitive and unprecedented environment.
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Meet Brenda Nguyen, OCC Content Writer
Feb 28, 2022 07:42 PM
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